Friday, February 24, 2012

In honor of CHD Awareness Month coming to an end, the CHD standing for Congenital Heart Defect, I wanted to write about the person who has given my life some meaning. My wonderfully amazing 2 year old son has a congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. You may not be able to tell by looking at him, unless you catch him when he's purple, because he is a lively and spirited little boy. This month he ended up in the hospital for a cold, and we spent our Valentine's Day with our favorite nurses and making crafts. No matter what he goes through, you can usually find him with a smile on his face. He always knows how to put a smile on other's faces as well. Whenever he thinks I'm upset he asks me what is wrong, kisses me, and asks if I'm all better. His empathy towards others is amazing, especially when he is constantly undergoing his own battles. I love him with all of my heart, and my mission in life is to fill his heart with love and strength. Although his heart not be whole anatomically, it is whole in the metaphoric sense.

I love Ryden. My Pu'uwaikila, you live up to your name well. Heart of steel.